“Patricia has tutored on and off for whichever one of our four kids needed an extra boost in reading & spelling at the time. She is excellent in what she does. Really excellent. Patricia gets kids. Not only what they need academically, but also what makes each unique kid “tick.” She cares about them as human beings and she is also incredibly well-versed in the learning development of children. All this to say: Patricia knows her stuff. Your kids will be in great hands with her.”

– Ann T, Parent

“Patricia is a one-of-a-kind educator whose skills and knowledge extend far beyond her years.  She is a voracious learner who goes above and beyond to gain the insights necessary to exceed expectations and best meet her students’ needs.  

Patricia has spent the past five years as a first grade teacher cultivating an in-depth understanding of the process of how the human brain learns to read and write.  Patricia is an expert in assessing students’ reading strengths and gaps, then creating targeted instructional plans that use strategies and resources aligned with a structured literacy approach.  Critical to the success of developing readers, Patricia has the discipline to stay the course when implementing the instructional plan.  She is well aware that consistent routines and predictable structures are what allow students to focus their full cognitive load on approaching challenging skills.  Patricia also brings a calm, reassuring demeanor that reduces student anxiety allowing them to process and practice new skills to mastery.  She is adept at continually reassessing and refining instruction as needed to ensure students are continuing to make expected growth.   

While keeping instruction predictable and rigorous, Patricia also has the natural ability to nurture the whole child.  She is a master at discovering students’ unique interests, fears and joys in order to create a strengths-based relationship with each child.  Students know Patricia cares deeply, thus allowing them to be vulnerable enough to take the risks necessary to make the progress towards becoming a proficient reader and writer.  

Your child will be in the best care, both academically and emotionally, with Patricia.  Her dedication to each student entrusted to her extends beyond expectations.”

– Jennifer H, Public School Reading Specialist